Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Extreme Sports Part III: ZOMG! Kiteboardinggggg!!

Ya. Everything I wanted and more :) I don't really need to say anything. 

Ok, I'll say something. The day after the bike race, I flew up to Cairns. Cairns is a tourist town located in the very northeastern part of Australia, about 3hr plane flight from Sydney.  They have warm water and, among other things*, kiteboarding.  Kiting is AWESOME!!!!!!! I've now been a handful of times and it takes a while to learn all the little logistical kite set-up details.  This is my instructor, Jason. I think there is a shortage of names in Australia.
*other things = the GBR, Great Barrier Reef, one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World.

 Family Portrait--with Sam the Dog :)

Alright. If you're still following, you must have a very long attention span. In which case you'll remember what time it is..... BURGER TIME! Today, we have a sampling from Grill'd. Needless to say, it was fantastic.

Just so you know, life isn't always easy here; Australia is not all beach and burgers. You have to party too. I know, I know, it's hard work. But someone's got to do it. And that someone would be Lauren. She flew all the way up to Cairns to help me.  There are exactly 3 places to go out in Cairns:

1. PJ O'Briens (you know how I feel about Irish bars). This is Christmas in July--fun fun fun!

2. The Woolshed (this place built their tables specifically for dancing upon)

3. Gilligan's. (the biggest, fanciest hostel in Cairns. The whole bottom floor is a nightclub with an outside deck area, a small private lagoon, and a 150" screen for viewing the Olympics.  Some people have some very good times here. Lauren and I are some of those people.)

We also ate Barramundi--a really good white fish--and lobster, prawns, salmon, etc etc. We are doing a great job sticking to our shoestring backpackers' budget.
P.s. Mom and Dad--Send money.    
       xoxo, Susanna

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