2. Wait for it to load.
3. Play and read.
5:53am. Roll over, check the alarm.
Where am I? The basement? No. LA? No.
Oh--Australia. Wait. Not Lauren and Pat's place...
The clothing I laid out last night: leggings, a sports bra, and a tank top plus Jason's bike jersey, size XL and his windvest. "You're gonna want that--gets pretty cold up in the Wingellos."
6:03am. Teeth brushed, dressed, packed, head downstairs.
"Morning! You hungry?" No. I'm not even awake. And the butterflies in my stomach are keeping me perfectly full, thanks.
7:00am Jason and Aaron are talking in the front seat of the car. Struggling to keep warm. Why am I doing this? I barely know these guys. I don't know the course. I don't know if I can even finish. What if I fall? What if I cramp up? What if it's miserable, grueling uphill the whole way? What if Jason and Aaron finish hours before me? What if I get bored and want to quit? I could be cozy in bed right now! Eventually doze off.
8:08am "We're at Macky's! Wanna grab a coffee?" McDonald's. Small flat white, please. Ahhhh warmth. Caffeine does not help pre-race jitters.
8:26am Arrive at the race, park the car, still clutching my empty cup for any remaining heat. "It's 6." 6 What? "Yep. It was even colder last year. Still had the rain though. Well, reckon we should get out of the car and get set up." 6. 6 degrees Celsius.
9:00 am Check in. "I was able to get you a last minute registration transfer from this guy that dropped out. Here's your race plate. We'll waive the $100 fee." Bill Speed, #496. Nice.
9:30 am Head back to the car, lube up the chain, take off the North Face. Brrrrr. "I keep some clear construction glasses in my truck if you wanna wear 'em." Safety first.
9:40 am Ride over to the Start Line. No time for a pre-ride. I don't want to know which hills I should be dreading right now.
9:45 am Slurp down a Roctane. These should probably be regulated.
9:50 am "Alright ladies and gentlemen. It's gonna be a mass start with self-seeding." Utter chaos. "Unicyclers and tandems, please start in the back." Hope they have an ambulance nearby . "Now there's some things you should know about the course. It's divided into 3 Rings: a 6km blue, a 27 km red, and a 19 km yellow. First you start out with some firetrail, then it gets tricky. Make sure to watch out for.." 6+27+19. That's ummmm that's not exactly 50km. How much is 50k in miles? Oh. And my iPod. Get that playlist on. Ok and can I reach it from the back jersey pocket? No? Ok sports bra it is. Between the rain outside and the sweat inside I'll be lucky if it survives... "And we're ready to start here so in 3--2--1--GO!"
10:00am This is it. Your first race in years. Your longest race ever. Your coldest, wettest, most lonesome bike ride, halfway across the world from home. Go. Get past him. And him. No stupid! Pass on the right here.
0.3km I'm doing it. Nothing hurts yet and my fingers haven't frozen stiff. Glasses getting foggy though.
1km Out of the clustermuck. Slight uphill. Gear up. Kill it. Go.
4km In the zone: heart rate fixed, legs braced to do work. Riders, rocks, trees, and trail become a blur.
6.6 km Turn coming up. The red arrow points sharply, get the inside lane. Brake: right for rear--No! Left for rear. Australiaaa.
6.7 km Wait, red arrow? One ring down, 2 to go.
8 km A collage of jerseys walking bikes up a hill. Sign on the trail reads: The Wall. Oh ya. That. Hike, push, left right left. Calves cramping up.
9 km Water. Hop back on the bike, get ready for downhill. Shoot! Glasses completely fogged. Rip em off. Brake with one finger. Shove em in the back pocket. Squint downhill. Good thing the rain is weighing down the dust and sticks.
15km Singletrack. Stay in it. Don't crowd him, but don't lose him. Technique. Finesse. No-- Strength, crank it! Up the rocks! But don't pop a tire.
24km Seemingly endless singletrack. Uphill, downhill. Turn, swerve, gear down quick, up, brake, down, jump, butt off the seat. Don't get complacent. Any tree could be the one you crash into.
27km Last loop. Ask a guy for the time. Doing well. And it gets easier from here. Eat a GU. Water.
29km What's that up ahead? A pink bike? Competition. If you can see them, you can catch them.
30km "Hey, how you going?" Uphill fireroad, a perfect time to chat. We are not in the same age group. Crisis avoided. We play leapfrog for a few k's.
32km Wrists are killing me, grip is tightly fixed. If I lose muscle control in my fingers, then I won't be able to break. Shit. Try to straighten out fingers one by one. The shocks. I cannot believe I forgot to unlock them after the fire trail. Shit. Tap the RLC away from me. Ahhhh, much better.
34km Steeper grade, can't shift into the small front chain ring. Get off the bike. Deep breath. Water. Feels good to stretch my aching back. Clear out 100g worth of mud. Try shifting. Good. On we go.
35km Continuous uphill. Bottom of the chain gets caught between the frame and top of the gear cog. Never seen that before. Don't panic. Can't pry it loose. Guy looking for an excuse to rest comes to the rescue.
37km Chain needs rescuing again. Mountain biking playlist is over. Switch to shuffle. Stretch the back, crack 4 vertebrae.
39km Still going uphill. Guy stopped on the side of the road, checking an odometer. "You don't wanna know how much farther we have." Ok, then please don't tell me. Just keep biking Susanna. Don't think.
The effects of the Roctane are diminishing. The mental exertion of the past couple hours is making itself known. Temporarily tune out. The cranks turn of their own accord, the wheels spin in time, the trees pass indistinguishably.
Look around. This is nature. This is Australia. This is gorgeous.
Appreciate it. Feel the rain, the wind, the freshness of both on your face. The rhythm of the music pushing you forward and your heart beating in perfect time. '
Thank you, bike, for taking me here. Crank, pedals, cog, chain, wheels, frame--how ingenious! A mechanical marvel. Thanks for toughing out the rocks, creeks, flats, and steeps we've come across.
And the mud--forgot about that, huh? How nice: that all this Earth--artfully splattered on my feet, my legs, my face--will be easily removed in a long, warm shower soon.
Even the pain. That dull ache in my quads, hammies, arms, and back: I earned it.
41km The payoff. Downhill! Don't go crazy. Keep your head. Watch for the water bars. Any tiny pebble could sling my eye out. Put the glasses back on? But then I can't see. What's worse: broken bones or being blind? Bones, apparently. I can't be bothered to slow down, reach back and grab those glasses.
43 km Whooooooooooo!!! I yell, out loud. This is why I bike. Speed. Endorphins. Kick ass music. I'm in a video game. I'm racing. Ride no-handed to stretch my back. Spread my arms. I'm flying. Yahooo! I could do this forever. Whoosh! Passed somebody. Round the turn. Hug the bike with my whole body. Yesss.
45 km Trees give way to open farmland. Cows on the left, horses on the right. Pass an older guy on the flats. "No hands?! As if these paddocks weren't punishment enough!" Paddocks! So that's what Jason was talking about. Paddocks are just farms. Huh. Wait! Paddocks are at the endddd! Almost there!
48km Out of water. You'll live. Just one more mile. Just one more ride to St. Pat's. You could do this when you were 5.
50km Back aches, parched, fingers swollen from braking, wrists pulsing, music blaring. The Finish Line.
3:17:34 Guy in a white get-up with a mic announces my name. I ride up. Tell him where I'm from. These announcer guys always need things to talk about. Poor spectators have been miserable--waking up early to sit in the rain for three hours. "So you just came over here on holiday and decided to race?" "Yep, I'd like to give a shout out to Jason. I don't know if he's here yet or not but I really want to thank him for lending me all this great gear." "Well, I'm not sure what a shout out is, but yes, thank you, Jason!" Get me some water. And maybe I could finally stomach some solid food today?
3:22:01 "Oh look, everybody! Here's Jason now!" Rush back over to the Finish Line. Yep, that's him. I beat him. "Ya she may have beaten me on my old bike, but just wait. Aaron still hasn't finished!"
3:25:56 "And heeeeere's Aaron!" Smile for pictures, chug more water, finally eat a banana. Shiver. It's still freezing outside and the decrease in adrenaline has sent less warm blood to my extremities.
Back at the car. Can't hardly get my shoes off: my muscles are too sore to balance and my finger dexterity is hindered by coldness. Take some wet layers off, leave some wet layers on. Climb back in the car, still muddy. Couldn't be happier.
Pictures, followed by soundtrack and stats.
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I made the Critic's Review!!! |
Bike Race Soundtrack:
1. Stress - Nero (Justice Remix)
2. The Intro - The XX
3. Hear is King - Axwell
4. A Dream Withing a Dream - The Glitch Mob
5. Reasons - Project 46*
6. Warp - Steve Aoki**
7. Josie Nordrum***
*Frankie and Shayne, I love you!
**Mom, I wish I could've fit it in somehow but I didn't. But because you got me into biking, I'm putting it in the credits.
***Josie, you are my main inspiration. Get it, girl!!
Stats: I finished 5th in the Female Open ages 16-29 category. Less than 45 min after first place. But for once, it wasn't about winning or losing. This was a Journey Race.
Did you catch the foreshadowing 'may I direct your attention to the center ring' in the last post? Well, it was unintentional. Funny, life.